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Resource ValueSet/FHIR Server from package ca.on.phsd.r4-alpha#0.1.1 (79 ms)

Package ca.on.phsd.r4-alpha
Type ValueSet
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source https://simplifier.net/resolve?scope=ca.on.phsd.r4-alpha@0.1.1&canonical=http://ontariohealth.ca/fhir/ValueSet/health-care-provider-role-type
Url http://ontariohealth.ca/fhir/ValueSet/health-care-provider-role-type
Version 1.0.0
Status draft
Name HealthCareProviderRoleType
Experimental False
Description A role type that is used to categorize an entity that delivers health care in an expected and professional manner to an entity in need of health care services, i.e. provider's profession. Examples: Registered Nurse, Chiropractor, Physician.

Resources that use this resource

http://ontariohealth.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-phsd-practitioner-response-profile-PractitionerRole PHSD PractitionerRole Response
http://ontariohealth.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-phsd-practitionerRole-submission-profile-PractitionerRole PHSD PractitionerRole Submission

Resources that this resource uses

http://ontariohealth.ca/fhir/CodeSystem/health-care-provider-role-type Health Care Provider Role Type


  "resourceType" : "ValueSet",
  "id" : "ppr-HealthCareProviderRoleType",
  "url" : "http://ontariohealth.ca/fhir/ValueSet/health-care-provider-role-type",
  "version" : "1.0.0",
  "name" : "HealthCareProviderRoleType",
  "status" : "draft",
  "publisher" : "Ontario Health",
  "description" : "A role type that is used to categorize an entity that delivers health care in an expected and professional manner to an entity in need of health care services, i.e. provider's profession. Examples: Registered Nurse, Chiropractor, Physician.",
  "compose" : {
    "include" : [
        "system" : "http://ontariohealth.ca/fhir/CodeSystem/health-care-provider-role-type",
        "concept" : [
            "code" : "AUD",
            "display" : "Audiologist"
            "code" : "CHIRO",
            "display" : "Chiropractor"
            "code" : "CPD",
            "display" : "Chiropodist"
            "code" : "DEN",
            "display" : "Dentist"
            "code" : "DENT",
            "display" : "Denturist"
            "code" : "DH",
            "display" : "Dental Hygienist"
            "code" : "DT",
            "display" : "Dental Technician"
            "code" : "LPN",
            "display" : "Registered Practical Nurse"
            "code" : "MD",
            "display" : "Medical Doctor"
            "code" : "MRT",
            "display" : "Medical Radiation Technologist"
            "code" : "OPT",
            "display" : "Optometrist"
            "code" : "OS",
            "display" : "Osteopathy"
            "code" : "PHARM",
            "display" : "Pharmacist"
            "code" : "PHYSIO",
            "display" : "Physiotherapist"
            "code" : "PO",
            "display" : "Podiatrist"
            "code" : "PSYCH",
            "display" : "Psychologist"
            "code" : "PTECH",
            "display" : "Pharmacy Technician"
            "code" : "RD",
            "display" : "Registered Dietitian"
            "code" : "RM",
            "display" : "Registered Midwife"
            "code" : "RMT",
            "display" : "Registered Massage Therapist"
            "code" : "RN",
            "display" : "Registered Nurse"
            "code" : "RO",
            "display" : "Registered Optician"
            "code" : "RRT",
            "display" : "Registered Respiratory Therapist"
            "code" : "SLP",
            "display" : "Speech Language Pathologist"
  "text" : {

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